Saliency Detection

Table of Contents


Please visit our dataset for saliency detection as below

DUT-OMRON a database with nature images for the research of more applicable and robust methods in both salient object detection and eye fixation prediction.
DUTS a large scale dataset containing 10,553 training images and 5,019 test images
  • Contact information

    This website is maintained by Xiang Ruan ( ruanxiang at tiwaki dot com ), if you find bug or have concern about this website, shoot me an email. For information about the dataset, please contact:

Name Email Affiliation
Huchuan Lu lhchuan at dlut dot edu dot cn Dalian University of Technology
Xiang Ruan ruanxiang at tiwaki dot com tiwaki Co.,Ltd.

Access map

Author: Xiang Ruan

Created: 2023-04-09 Sun 10:48
